Wednesday, March 28, 2007


There are so many people that we come across in our lifetime, and many of them we don't develop any kind of relationship with, only handful of people that we do connect with on any level, usually are people that are in our everyday lives. We see them many times throughout the week or maybe even throughout the day. They are usually people that you get along with or have a common interest in, or you just enjoy each others company. But have you ever been in the situation where you are forced to be around someone many times throughout the week, whether it be because of class or work or family, and that person for some reason that person makes you irritated with almost everything they do. Sometimes when I'm around this particular person I just want to scream in there face as if it would make me feel better. These "people" are usually people that make you wonder how they get through their everyday life. There has always been a person like this in my life and up until recently the things that i was just saying are the constant thoughts that would go through my head when i was around this person. In my life right now there is a person who when i even hear their name i already have a negative thought run through my head, the person just really gets to me, not because they are a bad person or are mean or anything like that, its mainly because i think the way that they are doing things are wrong and should be done a differant way and that they are just lazy (and that really bugs me), they are not taking the responsibility that they should be my eyes...but recently God has kind of opened my eyes...well my heart look at the bigger picture.... most arguments, misunderstandings, or negative thoughts are at the root poor communication, or misunderstanding...or maybe its just flat out we don't take the time to try and understand the other person. whatever it is ....God has revealed something to me....yes this person gets on my nerves, very much so, but he or she is a part of God's plan in this they don't see things the way i see them and no they make every decision the way that i would make them but why should they?! God didn't make two of me for a reason, if we were all the same it would be a pretty boring and routine like world that we live in....but we are different...on purpose. I am just way to quick to judge, instead of taking the time to seek out this persons heart i jump to conclusions, or just shut out anything they really have to say. I need to have more of an open heart for people. Maybe we wont be the best of friends but I still need to give that person a chance. Everyone deserves a moment of your time, who knows you might learn from that person, God might have something to show you through this person....I'm not saying you have to be friends with everybody....just try not to be so close minded with people, its not our job to judge....we are not higher than God in any way, form or fashion, so why do we try to be by judging other people, only God has the right to judge...
Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.
"Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? How can you say to your brother, 'Let me take the speck out of your eye,' when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye
(matthew 7:1-5)

Tuesday, March 27, 2007


I find myself always being anxious about something, whether it be big or small...I always seem to be anxious. I hear that women are more anxious about stuff in life then men so maybe its just part of being a woman. It is something that i struggle with in my everyday life. . . . I think the apostle Paul is one of the most amazing people in history, He went through so much in his lifetime and this statement that he makes in the book of Philippians really just puts things into such a better perspective for me and my life...
I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living n plenty or in want. I can do all things through them who gives me strength.
Philippians 4:11-13
after reading that and taking every word just goes straight to my heart, God is in control of my life, i am not in control, i don't want to be in control....but yet I still (without even realizing)try sometimes, when i think that what i need is taking to long to get here, I try and take the situation into my own hands. Like in the book that I'm reading says....God is in control of my tomorrows so as long as I know that....i should be living everyday through Him and not worry about what is coming ...or what is not coming in the future. Paul was an amazing man, He seemed to have such a calm, patient heart, and that is something that I pray that I will grow to develop in my walk with Christ. Paul went through so many hardships and trials in his lifetime, and yet he had a gentle, calm heart, i am so incredibly blessed in my life and more often than i should i take situations in my life and make them out to be so horrible when in all actuality it was something that I needed to go through, it always ends up being something that i learn from....i just need to learn to trust....and really let it sink into my heart that ...God is in control of my tomorrows, and trust that with everything inside me.

Monday, March 26, 2007


Why do we get jealous?! How can we just look at someone and compare ourselves right off the bat? How can we hear a single compliment for someone else and wonder what we do wrong? People have so many amazing things about themselves and the second someone takes the time to notice or to compliment them in that area we are the first to shoot it down....maybe not out loud but we still do it, we still feel that resentment, or maybe your more like me and you dont shoot them down but you start shooting yourself down. I honestly love meeting new people and love seeing how beautiful they are from the inside out....but to be honest...i start to compare myself and in so many ways and end up making myself feel like im worth nothing. i know im just rambling on but the point im trying to get at is God made me, he made me to be exactly the way that i am right now and He made everyone in the world the way He wanted them to be. Yes there are people who chose not to follow Christ and their lifestyles are way differant but im talking about the people who are in love with Christ and are walking with Him every step of the way, i look at them and see how deep they are when they talk about their faith or what "amazing" christains they are....those are the ones that get to me the most....i guess bottom line is im afraid i wont be good enough. I need to start loving myself the way i know God loves me, He doesnt want me any other way. Those people that i think are more beautiful or whatever thought goes through my head might be hurting on the inside or might have a hard family life, i have no idea what is really honestly going on in their lives or in their heart and i have no right to bring them down in anyway and i have no right to bring myself down either. God has a plan for all of us and i doubt very seriously that He is worried about who is prettier or who claims to be on a deeper level spiritually ...He knows our hearts and that is all that matters, ive gotta stop being so hard on myself, as long as my heart is with Christ and im growing in Him everyday that is all that should matter, God will reveal His plan for my life through that and my looks dont matter, and i will grow as Christ reveals Himself more and more to me, so i just need to patient and love life and myself....and most of all God :)